Investing in an age of populism…

2016's been accepted as a watershed year: a year where we saw a rise in populism in the West. There's been countless articles and commentaries written on this rather (un)eventful year, so I shall not add to the existing pile. As global macro investors, we are well aware that developments in the political realm can lead to changes … Continue reading Investing in an age of populism…

Europe’s banks turning the corner?

2016's a year that has been dominated by concerns over banks, and in particular, European banks. Financial markets were spooked in January after banks like Deutsche Bank missed 4Q 2015's earnings targets by a wide margin, and solvency problems also rose as investors became concerned that banks and lenders around the world would be affected … Continue reading Europe’s banks turning the corner?

Investment Lessons from Investor Colm O’Shea

Colm O'Shea, who is the founder and CIO of London-based COMAC Capital, was once interviewed in Jack Schwager's "Hedge Fund Market Wizards" - a brilliant and epic book for readers interested in understanding the minds of various types of hedge fund managers and the way they approach the financial markets. Here are some of my main … Continue reading Investment Lessons from Investor Colm O’Shea